In this area, most attorneys require an inspection by the Vermont Division of Fire Safety (or by the city Fire Marshall in some cases) be done and the seller correct any violations, prior to closing. Below are a few things we see come up most often on these inspections.
You can also visit the Vermont Fire Safety website for more information on current requirements and code details.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Most likely these will need to be hardwired, have battery back-up, and be interconnected. check the current code requirements from Vermont Safety to find out exactly what is needed for your home.
Fire Extinguishers
Most of us have one, but is it new or has it been inspected by a professional in the past year? If not, you may need a new one. There are also specific size requirements and some towns require they be mounted in a specific area of the home.
Self-Closing Door
If you live in a building where your main condo door opens into a common hallway, that door needs to be self-closing. If it’s not already, it’s a pretty easy fix with some special hinges.
Ground Fault Interceptor (GFI) Outlets
Any area of your home considered potentially “wet” (kitchens, bathrooms, basement, patio) need to have GFI outlets. An electrician can install these and should know the areas where they would be required.
This can cover a variety of things, from having two ways out in a finished basement, to having windows of a proper size in bedrooms. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and in some cases a variance can be obtained is something doesn’t meet the specific guidelines. It’s best to talk to the Fire Marshall about your options and what is needed for your home.
It can take several weeks for an appointment with a Fire Marshall for an inspection. In some cases getting this inspection done early in the process is best. If you have any questions please let us know.